Number Riddle: If 3 = 18 Then 10 = ???

Play with numbers with this riddle. Look at the series of equations and find the connection between the numbers. Once you have found the connection find the value of ??? If; 3 = 18 4 = 32 5 = 50 6 = 72 7 = 98 Then; 10 = ??? Share the riddle with your … Read more

Fun Math Riddle: Find the Sum of Flowers

An easy riddle which you will enjoy solving. In the picture are given some equations from which you can find the value of the flowers and hence find the sum of all 3 flowers in the picture. Share the riddle with your friends on Facebook and WhatsApp so that they can have fun solving it … Read more

What Comes Next in the Sequence: 2 ; 8 ; 11 ; 18 ; 30 ; 47 ; 78 ; ?

Look the series of numbers and find the missing number. What Comes Next in the Sequence: 2 ; 8 ; 11 ; 18 ; 30 ; 47 ; 78 ; ? When you get the answer share it with your friends on Facebook and WhatsApp Answer: This is an alternate series of the following form; … Read more

Fun Math Riddle: If 1 2 3 = 4 5 2, Then 1 1 1 = ? ?

Test your skill with numbers with this riddle. If 1 2 3 = 4 5 2 3 3 = 6 4 3 2 1 = 3 9 8 4 0 = 7 2 Then 1 1 1 = ? ? Share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook. Answer: The logic followed by the … Read more

Fun With Maths Riddle: If 5 – 4 = 23; Then 2 – 4 = ?

Have fun with Maths with this number logic riddle. Given below are some equations that follow a similar logic, can you find that logic? Once you find the logic, you can easily find the value of ? in the last equation. IF; 5 – 4 = 23 8 – 1 = 63 6 – 16 = … Read more

Fun Maths Riddle: Find the Missing Numbers

Share it when you find the numbers. In the equation below some numbers are missing. Can you find the missing numbers? __  7  2 3  __  8 ———— 4  7  __ ————- Share it with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook. Answer: The missing number can be found out as; In the last column; 8 … Read more

Sunday Riddle: “The Yolk Of Egg Is White” Or “Egg Yolk Is White”

Answer this Sunday Funday Riddle. Test your English Grammar skills.. Below given are 2 statements. Which of them is correct? 1. “the yolk of egg is white” or 2. “egg yolk is white”??? Share this riddle with your friends on WhatsApp groups and Facebook to test them Answer: It’s a trick question, both the statements are … Read more