Locked Shed Murder Mystery: How Was it Done?

Put your detective hats on and solve this murder mystery. You are living at you place alone. You own a shed which has been locked. The lock that has been placed on the door can be closed without a key but need the key to be opened. You collected some old stuff and decided to … Read more

Tough Number Sequence Riddle: 2 3 3 5 5 4 7 5 11 6 ? ?

Here’s a tough number sequence riddle that will keep you occupied for sometime. It is said that only 2% of the people who attempted this were able to solve it within 2 minutes. So start solving and time yourself, If you crack it within 2 minutes you are a genius. Find the next number in … Read more

Guess the 10 Digit Number From the Hints

Guess the number from all the hints given in the riddle. I have thought of a number that is made up by using all the ten digits just once. Here are a few clues for you to guess my number: First digit is divisible by 1. First two digits are divisible by 2. First three … Read more

Find the Next Palindromic Odometer Reading

Palindromic number is a number that remains the same when its digits are reversed. Here is a riddle related to that. A car speedometer reading shows 72927 km as the distance covered. 72927 is a palindromic number. What is the minimum number of kilometers when you would see the next palindromic number on the car … Read more

Find the Value of y From The Given Triangle

For those who want to brush up their geometry skill, you can try out this riddle. In the given triangle find the value of y. You can share it with your WhatsApp friends or WhatsApp groups to test the knowledge of your friends too. I hope you have fun. So were you able to solve … Read more

4 Big Houses in My Home Town Made From Red Marbles, Green Marbles, White Marbles And Blue Marbles.

There are 4 big houses in my home town. They are made from these materials: red marbles, green marbles, white marbles and blue marbles. * Mrs Jennifer’s house is somewhere to the left of the green marbles one and the third one along is white marbles. * Mrs Sharon owns a red marbles house and … Read more

Which Pair Of Numbers Comes Next: 42 40 38 35 33 31 28? ?

Find the next number in the series. Look carefully for the pattern, and then choose which pair of numbers comes next; 42 40 38 35 33 31 28 ? ? A. 25 22 B. 26 23 C. 26 24 D. 25 23 E. 26 22 So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your … Read more