WhatsApp Riddle: Find 6 Words Hidden in the Picture 6

One more picture riddle which will keep you busy for some time. Here is a picture of a some children playing in snow, there are some related words hidden in the picture. Find the 6 words that are hidden in the picture below; Share this picture riddle with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook and keep them … Read more

Find the Value of the Missing Number; 9, 28, 85, ?, 745

Look at the series of numbers given below and find the connection between them. Find the value of the missing number; 9, 28, 85, ?, 745 If you can solve it your a genius. Share it with your friends on WhatsApp groups and find out how many geniuses are there in your group. Answer: The … Read more

Fun Maths Riddle: Find 3 Numbers

Test yourself with mathematical skills. Can you find three number that meet the following conditions; When we multiply the 3 numbers, we will get prime number. The difference between second and the first number is equal to the difference between the third and second. Easy? Tough? what do you think? Share this maths riddle with … Read more

Fun Picture Riddle: Which One is The Correct Key

Here’s a easy picture riddle which you can share with kids you know. In the picture below are 3 keys and a lock. You have to find the key which would lead you to the lock. So find the correct key in the picture below. When you find it share it with all the kids you … Read more

Fun Math Riddle: If 17 + 3 = 31 Then; 38 + 8 = ??

Have some fun with numbers. Find out the connection between the equations and then find the value of ?? in the last equation. If; 17 + 3 = 31 23 + 5 = 38 32 + 9 = 55 Then; 38 + 8 = ?? Share this math riddle with your friends and family on WhatsApp … Read more

Fun Picture Riddle: Find the Bird Hidden in The Photo

Have fun while searching for a bird hidden in this picture. Nature is amazing, I really admire animal camouflage. If you too admire it, you will really like this one. I give you a biggest hint that it’s a bird in the animal and not a tortoise. 🙂 So search for the bird hidden in this … Read more

What Comes Next in the Sequence: 4, 6, 8, 9…..

Look at the given numbers and try to find the missing numbers. What Comes Next in the Sequence:  4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, ?? Where you able to get the right answer? Now share this riddle with your friends on WhatsApp groups and see how many in the … Read more