Fun WIth Maths: Find the Missing Number in The Picture – Minions Version

Here is a fun way to play with numbers.

In the picture below you will see Minions & bananas representing certain numbers.

Find the value of each and then find the value of the missing number.

So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below.

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Answer: 28.


Let us first transfer the picture into letters to make them solvable equations;

Let us assume the following;

The minion in blue be B

The minion in pink be P &

Banana be Ba

So we can re-write all the equations as;

B + B + B = 24  ——- (1)

P + B + P = 18  ——- (2)

Ba + Ba + B = 16 ——(3)

B + Ba X P = ? ———-(4)

From equation (1) we can write;

3B = 24

Therefore B = 24 /3 = 8.

B = 8.

Substituting value of B in (2) we get;

2P + 8 = 18

2P = 18 – 8 = 10;

P = 5.

Substituting value of B in (3) we get;

2Ba + 8 = 16

2Ba = 16 – 8 = 8

Ba = 4.

Substituting value of B, Ba & P in (4) we get;

8 + 4 X 5 = 8 + 20 = 28 = Answer.

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