Brain Teaser: How Many Men, Women And Children Are There?

Read the riddle carefully and then answer the question.

20 people worked and earned $20 between them.

The workers include men, women and children.

If each man earns $ 3, each woman $1.50 and each child earns $ 0.50.

How many men, women and children are there?

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Answer: There are 2 men, 5 women and 13 children.


Let the number of men, women and children be m, w, and c respectively.

From the given information we can write the following 2 equations;
m + w + c = 20 ————-(1)
3m + 1.5w + 0.5c = 20 —–(2)

Multiplying equation (2) by 2 we get;
6m + 3w + c = 40  ———(3)

Subtracting (3) from the first equation we get;
5m + 2w = 20

The unique solution with whole numbers is m = 2 & w = 5

Therefore from equation(1) we can find;

c = 13.

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