Logical Riddle: How Did the Man Get Out Without Any Punishment

Hone your logical skills with this riddle.

A man was to be arrested for a crime and taken to a special court.

The judge told him you may make a statement.

If you tell the truth I’ll sentence you to 5 years, however, if you lie then I’ll sentence you to 10 years.

After the man’s statement the judge decides to let him go.

What did the man say?

If you get the correct answer, share it with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.

Answer: “You will sentence me to six years.”

If that statement was a lie the man would get 6 years which would really make his statement true. If it was true he would only get 4 years rendering the statement false.

Refusing to go against his own word the judge decides to let him go.

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