Fun With Numbers Riddle: If 5 = 5 & 6 = 6 Then 10 = ?

Look at the series of equations and find the logic behind the numbers.

Once you find the connection you will be able to find the missing number in the last equation.


5 = 5

6 = 6

7 = 9

8 = 4

9 = 1


10 = ?

So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below.

If you get the correct answer, please share it with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.

If you see the entire sequence of equations you will realize that they resultant numbers on the right hand side of the equation are actually the unit place of the square of the number on the left hand side.


5 = 25 = 5

6 = 36 = 6

7 = 49 = 9

8 = 64 = 4

9 = 81 = 1

Therefore we can find the missing number as;

10 = 100 = 0

Answer = 0

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