WhatsApp Riddle: Find 6 Words Hidden in the Picture 15

You will see a typical farmhouse in the picture.

Some words related to this are hidden in the picture.

Find 6 hidden words and leave your answers in the comment section.

When you find all 6 of the hidden words share it with your friends on Facebook and WhatsApp and see how many of your friends can find it.

The hidden words are;

  1. Farm
  2. Cow
  3. Apple
  4. Sun,
  5. Barn &
  6. Pickup.

Marked in the image below;

This riddle is a great tool to share with children. The cartoons in the picture make it attractive for the kids and keep them engrossed. Solving riddles improve the thinking capacity in children as per many studies, so it is actually good to share such interactive riddles with kids where they hone their skills while having fun.

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