Stream Crossing Riddle: Help A Man, A Dog, A Duck & Berries Cross the Stream

Read the riddle carefully and leave your answers in the comment section.

A man is going to the city with a dog, a duck and a sack of berries.

He has to cross a stream to get to the city.

He only has a tiny boat to cross the stream.

In this boat he could only take himself and one other – the dog, the duck, or the berries – at a time.

He cannot leave the dog alone with the duck or the duck alone with the berries.

How does he get all safely over the stream?

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The man will have to do the following trips to get everyone across safely;

1. Take the duck over first and come back.
2. Then take the dog over and bring the duck back.
3. Now take the berries over and come back alone to get the duck.
4. Take the duck over and the job is done!

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