Number Riddle Games: Find the Value of the Missing Number

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In the table you will see numbers that are connected together with some logic.

Find the value of the missing number.

1 4 10
2 5 18
3 6 28
4 7 ??

The logic in the table is as follows;

add 1 to column 1 and column 2 and multiply both the columns to get the third column.

(1 + 1) x (4 + 1) = 2 x 5 = 10

(2 + 1) x (5 + 1) = 3 x 6 = 18

(3 + 1) x (6 + 1) = 4 x 7 = 28

Therefore we can find the missing number as;

(4 + 1) x (7 + 1) = 5 x 8 = 40

Answer = 40

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