Fun Riddle Games: Re-arrange These Scrambled Words II

Have fun with this word riddle games.

There are 10 words scrambled and their meanings are mentioned in the brackets.

If you get all 10 right your vocabulary is awesome.

Here are the hints;

  1. UTLMNA (A City)
  2. RQIA (A Country)
  3. RNUES ( A Profession)
  4. ERLARIT (A Vehicle)
  5. LNSUG (A Body Part)
  6. ULSTO (A Flower)
  7. ANORGD (An Animal)
  8. RHYECR (A Fruit)
  9. NLYGAFEDIR (A Vegetable)
  10. ETOVIL (A Color)

Share it when you get all the answer, with all your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook. See how many can they get right.


  1. UTLMNA (A City): Multan
  2. RQIA (A Country): Iraq
  3. RNUES ( A Profession): Nurse
  4. ERLARIT (A Vehicle): Trailer
  5. LNSUG (A Body Part): Lungs
  6. ULSTO (A Flower): Lotus
  7. ANORGD (An Animal): Dragon
  8. RHYECR (A Fruit): Cherry
  9. NLYGAFEDIR (A Vegetable): Lady Finger
  10. ETOVIL (A Color): Violet
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