Word Riddle Games: Jumbo Rebus: Guess the Words or Phrases

From the given hints in the picture, guess the words or phrases.

Rebus riddle are fun and challenging to solve.

All you have to do is guess the word from the symbols or set of letters, but you have to be smart to get the hints properly.

Here is a jumbo rebus riddle I got on WhatsApp today.

I hop eyou all can solve this and leave your answers in the comment section.

Once you get all of them share the riddle with your friends on WhatsApp and Facebook.

See how many of your friends in the group can solve all of them.


Check your answers with the given answers below, If you have different answers, leave your answers in the comment section.

You will see even I have missed some, so help me complete the list 🙂

  1. Seven Seas
  2. Level Crossing
  3. Forgive and Forget
  4. Missing You
  5. Downtown
  6. Lucky Break
  7. He’s by himself
  8. See theough Blouse
  9. First Aid
  10. West Indies
  11. 6 feet underground
  12. Backward Glance
  13. Tricycle
  14. Reading between the lines
  15. Crossroads
  16. 3 degrees below zero
  17. Neon Lights
  18. Just between you and me
  19. One in a million
  20. Broken Promise
  21. You are Out of Touch
  22. Life begins at 40 / Life after 40
  23. Jack in the box.
  24. Rising Economy
  25. Up Before 8
  26. Just around the corner
  27. Apple Pie
  28. Making up lost time
  29. Standing Ovation
  30. I understand, you undertake to undermine my undertaking


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