Fun Math Riddle: If 17 + 3 = 31 Then; 38 + 8 = ??

Have some fun with numbers.

Find out the connection between the equations and then find the value of ?? in the last equation.


17 + 3 = 31

23 + 5 = 38

32 + 9 = 55


38 + 8 = ??

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This is a tricky series of equations.

You might feel that you got the answer after looking at the first one but the 2nd one would not match with your deductions.

The series follows the following logic;

First you add the numbers, then you add the digits and then add them together.

In the 1st case;

17 + 3 = 20;

then you add the digits;

1+ 7 + 3 = 11;

Then you add both of these results;

20 + 11 = 31

Similarly for 2nd one;

23 + 5 = 28;

2 + 3 +5 = 10 &

28 + 10 = 38.

and the 3rd one is;

32 + 9 = 41

3 + 2 + 9 = 14

41 + 14 = 55

So we can find the value of ? by solving it in similar way.

38 + 8 = 46

3 + 8 + 8 = 19

Therefore ? would be;

46 + 19 = 65

Answer = 65



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