WhatsApp Picture Riddle: Find The Mistakes in the Picture

Share it when you find it.

Identify what is wrong in the picture below.

This kind of riddles help you develop your visual observation skills.

(WhatsaApp question: Identify wtz wrong in the pik.a visual observation skills used during training by raw and cbi.)


These were the mistakes that I could find, there could be more…leave your answers in the comment section.

The mistakes are as follows;

  1. Tiger has horns.
  2. Chess board has less number of squares (7 x 7)
  3. Sun is rising at 1 p.m.
  4. Dog has a tail like a cat.
  5. Butterflies are in fish tank.
  6. The boy has one sleeve short.
  7. Guitar top is like Sitar.
  8. One window opens inside while the other outside.
  9. In the painting, the man has only one shoe.


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