Fun Picture Riddle: Spot the Real Dog in The Photo Below

Share this when you find the dog!! Dogs are cute and so are soft toys. A dog that looks like a soft toy is the cutest. In the picture below there is a real dog along with the soft toys. Can you spot him? So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in … Read more

Funny Pet Videos: Who Pooped in the Kitchen?

Did you know that dogs can be rats? Watch this tattle tale pooch rat on his brother for pooping in the kitchen. Somebody needs to teach this dog a lesson about solidarity! To all you guilty dogs out there, you never know who you can trust! Who Pooped in the Kitchen? Did you enjoy the … Read more

Fun Riddle: How Many Months Have 28 Days?

Answer this fun riddle and leave your answers in the comment section. Some months have 30 days, Some months have 31 days, How many Months have 28 days?? If you know the answer just share it with your friends to have more fun. Answer: All month have 28 days so answer is 12 🙂

Maths Fun Questions: I am a Four Digit Number

Read the hints in the question and guess the number. I am a 4 digit number My 1st digit is of no use as I still remain same without it. My 2nd and 3rd digits are mirror images. My 4th digit are half of 2nd Can you guess the number? Answer: This could have multiple answers … Read more