Riddle: Can You Discover The Missing Number In This Series?

Check the sequence and find the relationship between the numbers and then find the value of Question mark (?).

Can you discover the missing number in this series?

37, 10, 82
29, 11, 47
96, 15, 87
42, ?, 15

So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below.

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The number in the middle of each set of numbers is the same as the digits of either end’s number when added together.

For 1st row you can see

3 + 7 = 10 = 8 + 2;

similarly 2nd and 3rd row can be written as;

2 + 9 = 11 = 4 + 7 &

9 + 6 = 15 = 8 + 7

Therefore value of question mark is;

4 + 2 = 6 = 1 + 5.

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