Find The Missing Number In The Series: 10,11,19,28,??,117

Find the connection between the numbers given in the numerical riddle below.

Find the Missing Number In The Series


Above mentioned is a series of numbers which are connected in some way or the other.

You have to crack the connection and find the missing number.

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Answer to the Riddle:

You have to closely watch the series, since the series if increasing quickly you get a hint that an exponential component would be present.

The connection between the numbers in the series is as described below;

You need to add 1 square, 2 cube, 3 square, 4 cube, 5 square….so on and so forth to continue the series.

So we can fit this into the numbers and see if it’s correct.

First number is 10, so the next number will be;
10 + 1^2 = 11

Simillary the next numbers in the series will be;

11 + 2^3 = 19

19 + 3^2 = 28

28 + 4^3 = 92

92 + 5^2 = 117

Therefor the missing number is 92.

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