Find the Code For September: If January = 1017, Then September = ?

How good are you at cracking coded messages?

Here’s a chance to test your skills.

The following months are coded in a certain way, which you need to find and then represent September in the coded format.

January = 1017

February = 628

March = 1335

April = 145

May = 1353

June = 1064

July = 1074

August = 186

September = ?

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Answer and Explanation to the Riddle:

To solve this first let’s check how January is coded;

Let’s split the January code into 3 parts = 10, 1, 7

Now the code can be cracked as;

10 is the position of letter J in alphabetical order.
1 is the position of January in months.
7 is the number of letters used in the word January.

Similarly you can check for other months and you will see that this code is followed by all the months.

Hence September can be coded as = 19, 9, 9. i.e = 1999.

Therefore September = 1999.

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