Whatsapp Riddle: Guess the Body Parts

The English language has many words with more than one meaning. Here is a riddle to test your vocabulary. Crack this Whatsapp word test and if you get more than 10 right answers, you have an excellent vocabulary. In this riddle you have to guess the name of the body part from the provided hints. You can either get the same word or a similar sounding word as the answer.

Let’s see who is a genius here:
Guess The Body Parts
1. A Thing That a Carpenter Use?
2. Something That a Shoe Has?
3. Name of an Airlines?
4. Excess of Anything?
5. Symbol of Love?
6. Defense People use them?
7. An Animal Like Rabbit Which Runs Fast?
8. An Evergreen Tree of Warm Region?
9. One Side of A Coin?
10. Looks Like Walnut?
11. Something That a Table Has?
12. What Do U Call Yourself?

So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below.

You can check if your answer is correct by clicking on show answer below. If you get the right answer, please do share the riddle with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.

Answers to guess the body parts puzzle

1. Nails
2. Heels
3. Thai (Thigh)
4. Waste (Waist)
5. Heart
6. Arms
7. Hare (Hair)
8. Palm
9. Head
10. Brain
11. Legs
12. I (Eye)

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