Whatsapp Puzzle: Guess the Names of the fruits (in Hindi) from below words

Test your knowledge in fruits with this WhatsApp Riddle.

Guess the Names of the fruits (in Hindi) from below words

1. Not painted.
2. Season seed.
3. Say bring.
4. Common.
5. Ghaas wife.
6. Body fly.
7. God’s wife fruit.
8. Juice wife.
9. Father come.
10. Bring cheese minus se.

So were you able to solve the riddle? Leave your answers in the comment section below.

You can check if your answer is correct by clicking on show answer below. If you get the right answer, please do share the riddle with your friends and family on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social networking sites.

Answers to Guess the Names of the fruits (in Hindi) from English words

1. Narangi.
2. Mausambi.
3. Kela.
4. Aam.
5. Strawberry.
6. Angur.
7. Seetafal.
8. Raspberry.
9. Pappaya.
10. Lichee

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